Woman with a Parasol, Facing Left, 1886 - by Claude Monet

Monet painted a pair of figure pictures, one depicting a woman turned to the left and one to the right, in 1886. The model for both was Suzanne Hoschedé. Following Camille's death, Suzanne had become Monet's favorite model. This painting is reminiscent of one of Camille produced in 1873.
Suzanne's features are blurred, making her an anonymous figure. Monet deliberately did not want the viewer to be looking for a personality or story in this painting. Because she has no expression, the woman becomes a part of the overall picture and should be viewed as part of the landscape. The wind is seen to affect her in a similar manner as it does the grass. Her skirt is being blown against her legs, and the ribbon from her hat is blowing forward. The majority of the short brushstrokes representing the grass are moving in the same direction. The more defined grass on the brow of the hill can be seen clearly to bend in the wind.
The colors used on the grass are very different from those in Monet's earlier work. This time they include pinks and whites, as well as green and yellow. This helps to harmonize the figure with her environment. The flecks of white from the grass make a connection with the white of her dress and with the clouds.